02 Nasr Rd. Nasr City – Cairo – Egypt info@edge-cost.com 002-01226269782
Said Soliman

Said Soliman

Founder & Managing Director

Said Soliman The Managing Director & Founder who established EDGE Business Process Management Office, to provide   a complete set of professional integrated Management consultancy services to Construction organizations seeking to gain efficiency.


Mr. Soliman holds BSC. in Civil Engineering and MSc in Construction Management, his experience is over 26 years of project management engagements in prestigious projects in EGYPT and abroad, he is an expert in the application of BPM and he has an extensive experience in Cost management, Planning, claims management, & ERP’s Business Flow Process.

He combines between technical experience and management reinforced with his experience in Management’s scientific tools, which qualify him to manage the projects and portfolios in a different approach in the construction industry, accordingly he held leadership positions in different organizations.


Design in-house Models, to collect and analyze Actual Costs with related deviation Vs Budget Cost, and use Forecasting Techniques to Predict EAC.


Design in-house Model to Classify and sorting the Raw Cost Data of Estimation to generate desired outputs for All Departments ( Top Sheet, Priced BOQ, ..etc).


Support the Finance Dep. to issue P/L & Annual Projection by the integration between Time Schedule and Cost Analysis to feed them back with BACKLOG, & CASH FLOW.


Prepare complete claims analysis and report ( Time & Cost) due to different impacts (e.g. Inflation, Acceleration, Change Orders, Delay, Productivity..etc) by using Time Impact Analysis


Lead Team of Planners to Create Time Schedules in Several Industries, with the associated Resources and Cost Loading, And, Monitor & Evaluate the Progress performance Regularly.


Manage the project of ERP’s Implementation, by maintain and develop the business Flow Process,
